244 POETIC ART complexes. This fact is simply one of the normal peculiarities of the psyche, and for a man to be unaware of the existence of an autonomous complex merely betrays a rather high degree of unconsciousness. For instance every typical attitude that is to a certain extent differentiated shows a tendency to become an autonomous complex, and in the majority of cases actually becomes one. Every instinct too has more or less the character of an autonomous complex, In itself, therefore, there is nothing morbid in an autonomous complex, only its stored-up energy and its disturbing appear- ance on the scene may often involve suffering or illness. How does an autonomous complex arise ? From some cause or another—a closer investigation of which would at this point lead us too far afield—a hitherto unconscious region of the psyche is thrown into activity, and this activation undergoes a certain development and extension through the inclusion of related associations. The energy employed in this operation is naturally withdrawn from consciousness, unless the latter prefers to identify itself with the complex, But where this is not the case there results what Janet has termed an 'abaissement du niveau mental'. The intensity of conscious interests and activities gradually fades, where- upon, either an apathetic inactivity—a condition very common with artists—or a regressive development of the conscious functions takes place, namely, a descent to their infantile or archaic prestages; hence something akin to a degeneration. The 'parties inferieures des fonctions* force themselves to the front, the instinctive rather than the ethical, the naively infantile instead of the deliberated and mature, the unadapted in place of the adapted. This also is shown in the lives of many artists. From the energy thus withdrawn from the conscious control of the personality the autonomous complex develops. But in what does the autonomous creative complex consist ? Of this we can know next to nothing so long as the completed work offers us no insight into its foundations. The work